Past events

July 15-19, 2024: Participation of Co-Director Dr. Tatyana Stefanovska in CEECHE (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Dr. Tatyana Stefanovska, Co-Director of NULES, Ukraine participated in the Central and Eastern European Conference on Health and the Environment (CEECHE) in Thessaloniki, Greece, July 15–19, 2024. The event brought together scientists, practitioners, educators, and students from seventeen countries to discuss questions on environmental exposures and disease risks and to find a possible solution.CEECHE is…

Training 1, Part 2: “Using the equipment purchased within the project: theory and practice”

On June 30 – July 2, 2024, Training 1 Part 2 “Using the equipment purchased within the project: theory and practice” was organized by UJEP and TVHNPU in Dobrovlyanu, Ternopil region, Ukraine. It had a goal to increase the knowledge and skills of the young and senior researchers involved in the project on modern methods…

Meeting of Co-Director Dr. Tatyana Stefanovska, NULES, with NPD Prof. Pidlisnyuk and UJEP team

Being at the University of Life Sciences and the Environment in Prague, Czech Republic, for the Erasmus Teaching Programme, Dr. Tatyana Stefanovska, Co-Director from NULES, used the occasion to visit the Crop Research Institute in Chomutov on June 19-20. During the visit, she met with the project team from UJEP and reviewed two Miscanthus plantations…

Introduction of Advanced M×g Phytotechnology to local governmental officials and stakeholders, Ukraine

On June 12, 2024, Professor Valentina Pidlisnyuk, UJEP, NPD introduced Miscanthus × giganteus Phytotechnology to the local governmental officials and stale holders in Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Ukraine. Representatives from Dolyna City Council attended the event, i.e.: Mgr. Iryna Yaremchuk, Head of the Division on International Relations and Local Development, Mgr. Kateryna Prociv, Head of the…

June 4, 2024: Training 1 “Measuring Carbon in Soil under Miscanthus” (Part 1)

On June 4, 2024, Training 1 “Measuring Carbon in Soil under Miscanthus” (Part 1) was organized and provided at UJEP in the combined form. Altogether 24 individuals (members of the teams and potential end-users) participated in the Training, from those 9 individuals were in person at UJEP and 15 individuals participated remotely. Professor Zeljka Zgorelec,…

June 30-July 2, 2024: Training 1, Part 2 on Purchased Equipment

On June 30-July 2 Training 1, Part 2 on using the purchased equipment will be organised in Dobrovlyanu, Ternopil region, Ukraine. The event will increase the knowledge and skills of young researchers involved in the project in the modern methods of analysis and related equipment for measuring GHGs, soil health, microbial community, rhizosphere interaction, and…

May 20, 2024: Presentation of the project’s results at Science Public Lecturing, Ukraine

On May 20, 2024, a Science Public Lecturing devoted to the Day of Science was held at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine. The event had a goal to introduce the results of the young researchers and to increase the interdisciplinary research framework. It was organized by the University Council of Young Scientists…

June 24, 2024: Progress meeting 4. Milestone 2. Agenda

MYP G6094 “Mitigation of climate change through advanced phytotechnology for military lands” Mil2, Progress Meeting 4 Agenda Time: June 24, 2024, 14.00-16.00 CEST Location: UJEP, Pasteurova 3632/5, CPTO, 400 36, Usti nad Labem, the Czech Republic Form: remote, UJEP team in person (office room minus -1.29, basement) Link: Meeting ID: 921 8763 7717Passcode: 573755…

May 2-3, 2024: Project Team at the International Conference “Biochar for the Green Recovering of Ukraine”, Ukraine

On May 2-3, 2024, the international conference “Biochar for the Green Recovering of Ukraine” was organized by the National University of the Life and the Environmental Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine in cooperation with NGO “MEU – EcoStation Network of Ukraine and Second International. The event was provided in hybrid form and established an interdisciplinary dialogue on…

April 23-23, 2024: Participation in the International Scientific Symposium “The Role of Universities and Science in Sustainable Regional Development”, Poland

On April 21–23, 2024, the Baltic University Program (BUP) International Scientific Symposium “The Role of Universities and Science in Sustainable Regional Development” was held at the Bialystok University of Technology, Poland. The symposium had a goal to share the best practices regarding the challenges in sustainable development and universities’ activities focused on the protection of…

April 16-17, 2024: Introduction of the Advanced Phytotechnology at the FAO conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Prof. Pidlisnyuk was invited as a Panel speaker to the FAO International Conference on Bio- and Phyto-remediation Technologies for Contaminated Agricultural Soil Towards Green Agriculture. The event was organized by FAO on April 16, 2024, in Almaty, The Republic of Kazakhstan within the FAO-supported Project “Lifecycle Management of Pesticides and Disposal of POPs Pesticides in…

April 3, 2024: Field trip to Crop Research institute, Chomutov, the Czech Republic

On April 3, 2024, the Erasmus students from the Faculty of Environment, UJEP (spring semester, 2023-2024 education year) Batou Hamadi (Lebanon); Kubra Agir, Ceylin Deniz, Humeyra Yesilbudak, Zeynepnur Arici (all Turkey), exchange student Arsen Khomenchuk (Ukraine), PhD students Robert Ato Newton and Mannan Rouhani (UJEP), and Prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk, NDP visited the Crop Research Institute,…

March 3-14, 2024: Dissemination of Project results, Canada

On March 3-14, 2024, Prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk, NDP, UJEP visited Alberta, Canada intending to present project G6094 to the scientific communities and to find ways for the extension of the research framework of UJEP with the participation of the Canadian partners. The trip was supported by the Strategic project of UJEP “Strengthening the “Green” knowledge…

February 11-16, 2024: Participation in the 19th International Symposium in Agriculture, Croatia

On February 11-16, 2024, Professor Valentina Pidlisnyuk, NDP, UJEP, and Assoc. Prof. Tatyana Stefanovska, Co-Director, NULES, participated in the 19th International Symposium in Agriculture, Croatia. The event was jointly organized by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb; Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. The symposium was under the auspices of…

June 4, 2024: Training 1 “Measuring Carbon in Soil under Miscanthus”

First Announcement Time: June 4, 2024, 10.00-15.00 CET Form: combined (virtual and in person) Location: UJEP, Pasteurova 3632/5, No. -1.29, CPTO, 400 36, Usti nad Labem, the Czech Republic Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 955 1913 3753Passcode: 204524 Trainers: Professor Zeljka Zgorelec, PhD Division for Agroecology, Department of General Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of…

Progress Meeting 2, Milestone 1

On January 29, 2024, Progress Meeting 2, Milestone 1 was held at UJEP. The event was provided in a hybrid form: altogether 26 persons participated in the event including 17 persons connected virtually and 9 persons attended UJEP in person, room No. 525. The participants represented all teams involved. At the introduction prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk,…

December 5-11, 2023: Mission trip to Croatia

Prof. Valentyna Pidlisniuk, NDP visited Croatia on December 5-11, 2023 with a mission related the proper implementation of Mil1 of the Project. The activities were focused on overcoming the obstacles arise after Progress Meeting 1 related supplying of the contaminated biomass to be processed by physico-chemical treatment by European partners having impossible to pass the contaminated military biomass from Ukraine.

November 27-28, 2023: Dissemination of the project framework and goals to the delegation from the Military University of Land Forces, Poland

On November 27-28, 2023 a delegation from the General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Polandvisited Royal Military Colleagues, Canada. The purpose of the visit was to discuss potential partnership with RMC in the research spheres. The Military University trains officers with experience and values to serve in units under the Land Forces.

November 2, 2023: Dissemination of the project framework to the colleagues from the Internationl Information Technology University, Kazakhstan

On November 2, 2024 NDP prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk had a meeting with colleagues from the Republic of Kazakhstan, i.e. Associate prof. Lyazat Naizabayeva, Dr.Sc., Head of the Department of Information systems, the International Information Technology University; Dr. Nyrgyl Sejlova, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Cyber Defense, the International Information Technology University; and  Dr. Maxatbek Satymbekov, Head of the Computer Science Department, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.