September 27, 2023: Kick-off meeting
On September 27, 2023 the kick off meeting of the NATO SPS MYP G6094 was held. The event was hosted by UJEP, Leading Institution and was provided in the hybrid form. Altogether 41 participants attended the event, from those – 10 in person and 31 virtually. List of the participants is included in the separated file available at the web-page.
The event was opened by NATO Country Director prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk who introduced the framework, main goals, outputs and expected impact of the project. NATO SPS Advisor in Climate Change and Security Mr. Richard Brewin overviewed the NATO SPS Programmer. Ms.Klaudija Kaliope, NATO SPS, presented the requests to Progress and Financial reporting during the implementation of the Project.
Thereafter NDP prof.Valentina Pidlisnyuk, UJEP, the Czech Republic, PPD Dr.Andrji Hertz, VHPNPU, Ukraine and Co-Directors, consequently: Dr. Vitalyi Stadnik, NULP, Ukraine; Dr. Radek Horenovsky, WASTen, the Czech Republic; Dr. Tatyana Stefanovska, NULES, Ukraine; Prof. Peter Gess, HC, USA; Dr.Mariya Marinova, RMC, Canada, and prof. Tobias Zcshunke, IPM, Germany introduced their institutions, members of the team, and overviewed role and tasks of the organizations within the project. Presentations of the participants are included in the separated file available at the web-page.
In the second discussed part of the event the representatives from the linkage institutions, i.e.: prof. Ganga Hettiarachchi and prof. Lawrence Davis, USA, KSU; prof. Aida Kistaubaeva, Kazakhstan, KazNU, along with Dr. Jon Winsten, USA, Winrock Foundation introduced their understanding of the supplemented research and followed assistance to the project.
The internal requests for financial reporting to the leading institution UJEP was presented by Mgr.Blanka Cerna, who is served at UJEP as financial assistant to the project. Prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk overviewed the requests and schedule for the Progress report from each team and introduced the main tasks of the Milestone 1 with the stress on cooperation and collaboration in between the project teams.
Finally, the film about the industrial production of biochar by Ukrainian firm BMIngineering was demonstrated to the participants. The firm has an industrial facility to convert biowaste to biochar by pyrolysis and provides the gasification process of waste biomass and wood. The event finished up with Q&A session in which logistic threats were discussed. Separated Zooms will be arranged for discussion the issues.