Introduction of Advanced M×g Phytotechnology to local governmental officials and stakeholders, Ukraine

On June 12, 2024, Professor Valentina Pidlisnyuk, UJEP, NPD introduced Miscanthus × giganteus Phytotechnology to the local governmental officials and stale holders in Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Ukraine. Representatives from Dolyna City Council attended the event, i.e.: Mgr. Iryna Yaremchuk, Head of the Division on International Relations and Local Development, Mgr. Kateryna Prociv, Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Mgr. Mychailo Vojciv, Leading Specialist in International Affairs, Mgr. Tatyana Tzupyn, Leader of the Projects and Programmers, Mgr. Andryi Martyn, Head of the Department of Sustainable Energy Development, Mgr. Snizana Dolishna, Leading Specialist in Sustainable Energy Development and stakeholders: Mgr. Stanislaw Bazuk, Leading specialist of “Dolyna-Agro”, PhD student of Ivan Franko National University, Lviv and Mgr. Oleg Bazuk, Director of Enterprise “ Dolyna-Agro”. In the discussion followed the directions for cooperation were overviewed, including the assistance in maintaining the research plantation established on post-military land in Dolyna suburb and testing the Phytotechnology at the oil-contaminated land. The participants of the meeting were interviewed using the questionary developed by the NATO project team at Hendrix College, USA.